Blog 7

Did this week

  • 1. Added a functioning menu with buttons to switch between heatmap, contamination and cleaning mode.
  • 2. Connected hand pointer to select different buttons with special effects on selection
  • 3. Added different hand mesh effects for different modes: virus particle for contamination and bubble for cleaning
  • 4. Added handtracking functions that removes coloring of the contaminated area to simulate cleaning

  • Tasks done by each member

  • - Kai-Wei: Added gestures detection to open and close the user menu. Added the hover over selection funcyion of the buttons with hand pointers.
  • - Cheng: Added bubble and virus hand mesh effect and switching between modes with the button and the menu. Plus overall UI design.
  • - Pei Lin: Added heat map mode to the app. Added functions to remove the colored area to simulate cleaninig.
  • - Sujie: Dual booted Windows on Mac laptop. Currently solving build errors preventing the app from lunching on headset.

  • Plan for next week

  • - Kai-Wei: Cleaning up the menu selection and button collision script.
  • - Cheng: Adding more visuals to the welcome panel
  • - Pei Lin: Adding more visuals to assit the user with different functionalities.
  • - Sujie: Resolve environment issues and assist others.