Blog 2

Did this week

  • 1. Made our presentation pitch to the class and modified our plan for minimum viable product to be more concrete
  • 2. Typed up our PRD and discussed milestones that we should achieve in the next few weeks
  • 3. Discussed potential risks that we can face (especially that most of us are new to Magic Leap 1) and the documentations and personnel that we can consult
  • 4. Finished setting up Magic Leap 1 and have been familiarizing ourselves with the controls
  • 5. Updated our website with a more eye-catching template

  • Plan for next week

  • 1. Figure out how to do hand detection and mesh rendering with Magic Leap
  • 2. Implement mechanism to highlight surfaces after touched
  • 3. Reach out to the Magic Leap developer, Joerg, to ask for guidence and assistance on our project development