Interactable kitchen, liquid physics, french fries
Posted by
Bon Appétit
on January 27, 2022 ·
1 min read
What we have accomplished
Johnathon: Started project wiki, wrote pouring and filling
scripts for liquids, made interactable prefabs for kitchen
environment, fixed player/object collisions
Katherine: Implemented a basic UI system for seeing object
information (item name, temperature).
Laksh: Added Network Manager and Player scripts and
components. Added Player and hand Prefabs.
Hritik: Created two different textures for fries (cooked
and uncooked). Made it such that the texture changed when the
fries reach the required temperature.
New features/functionality implemented
Interactable kitchen fixtures! Knobs can be turned, doors and
drawers can be opened, and objects properly interact with them due
to compound primitive hit boxes
Liquid containers! Containers can be filled, pour liquid, or be
scooped from using a single script. These containers visibly
transform depending on how much liquid they are holding
Ladle! A working ladle. Not much more to say
Players can now see their own animated hands to show gripping and
trigger controls.
All players are now connected to the Photon PUN servers and get
added to the same room.
Bug Fixes
Held objects and players no longer clip through static objects.
Player hand animations are now synced between clients.