Week 7

Implementing the Second Mission

Posted by VR Team 6 on May 20, 2021 · 2 mins read

Each Member’s Progress

Sarah Rashid

Apollo 15 rock sample research, adding the “Genesis Rock” interaction, and polishing rock 15556 sample interaction.

Ramya Ravichandran Asha

Worked on deep drill core sample UI panel and drilling interaction.

Aayush Chhabra

Completed the tools info panel for the second mission. Improved the gravity simulation. Experimented with CANNON.js and Ammo but they ended up not behaving nicely with A-frame. Wrote my own custom gravity component that takes in a gravity value and applies that specific gravity on the object (using some physics in the tick function). This component is used to give users control of the gravity in the museum.

This component will also be used to show the video of the Galileo experiment that happened during Apollo 15, conditioned on being able to find 3d models for feather and hammer.

Peter Lin

Implemented the navigation system on the lunar rover. The navigation gui will lead the user to the task location.

Code Updates

We’ve added navigation on the lunar roving vehicle to guide the user to rock sample sites. We have also added an interactive rock sample for the “Genesis Rock”, an important and interesting rock from the Apollo 15 mission. We are working on adding a drilling for core samples interaction and interactive gravity component for the museum.


Rock sample

Drill interaction

Lunar rover

Update on Ideas

Still following the original plan to implement the new mission.

Plan for Next Week

WNext week we plan to polish our rock sample interactions, drilling interaction, lunar roving vehicle, and museum. We’ve added all of the components we planned to and now it is time to make the whole experience flow better and be more polished.

Blocking Issues

Currently none.