Sarah Rashid
Creating the educational panel for the flag mission.
Ramya Ravichandran Asha
Researched moon surface, added lunar module asset, added a title screen UI with link traversal to enter first mission and background music, still working on getting narration of mission steps to play at the correct times (sound that is playing is sometimes duplicated and it seems like one track plays when the assets are preloading and the other track plays after all the assets have finished preloading- need to try to fix this).
Aayush Chhabra
Worked on designing the top of the flag and implementing the clothing simulation for the flag. The simulation worked standalone but failed when integrated with A-Frame.
Peter Lin
Created lunar surface. Further building the flag interaction.
We have completed the first mission that the user will perform on the Moon surface. The flag mission is broken down into three steps and all are integrated to work seamlessly. We will work on polishing the interaction for our MVP.
Based on the feedback this week, we are planning to put a little more effort into things that will educate the user and make our project a little more ambitious. We will be incorporating information panels that users can read, watch, and play. These information panels will show up at different times in the interaction and help the user with the experience.
For this week, we will be working to complete our MVP. We are going to complete the first mission and take a step towards the data visualization aspect of our project. This will include displaying information panels for the lunar vehicle, panels for flag information, adding sounds for guidance and immersion, adding an overall scaled down map for allowing the user to explore the large map with ease. We are experimenting with linked scenes by allowing the user to jump from one link to the other to make it a better experience overall.
Regarding link traversal, Oculus Browser implements the WebXR in-VR navigation proposal but when the link in the title screen is clicked, we are taken out of VR mode and the next page is loaded in 2D. I (Ramya) will continue to look into this but why might this be happening?