What We Have Accomplished

This week we continually worked on adding new interactive features to the art gallery. In particular, we added a new vertex displacement shader graph that changes the shape of the sculpture based on its distance from the wall. We also added a basic gallery (we’re still working on it to make it more suitable to our use case) using free assets online and a reset button. The last two are based on the feedback we received last week. Additionally, we turned the objects into ridgid bodies which allows them to float around when the user interacts with them

Individual Contributions

  • Rahul: Worked on reset button and ridgid body
  • Wenqing: Added a vertex displacement shader graph and explored gallery assets
  • Zane: Worked on reset button and ridgid body
  • Zoey: Wrote this snippet and explored how to update the spinning shader graph based on interactions.

Features Implemented

A reset button that resets the whole gallery scene A gallery scene that is more than just walls and floors

Files to Be Reviewed


We don’t have any major blockers for now.

Plans for next week

We’ll be focusing on adding more interactive features. In particular, we plan to update the sculpture so that it’ll have localized change when the user touches the sculpture with their virtual hands (e.g. changing colors around POCs). We also plan to update the gallery to add more details. Based on the feedback from Timea, we’ll replace the reset button so instead of staying at a fixed position it’ll be attached to the user, so one can easily reset the scene without finding out the reset button.