What We Have Accomplished

We created a shader and related material that changes color as the user moves around. The effect can be enabled/disabled using a button. We also added walls and a floor to create a basic gallery. For our MVP, we plan to move our shader code from mostly script file to mostly shader graph, add more detail to the walls, and see if we can get basic hand tracking/interaction working.

Individual Contributions

  • Rahul: Worked on shader
  • Wenqing: Worked on shader
  • Zane: Wrote this snippet, worked on shader
  • Zoey: Worked on texture and shader

Features Implemented

  • Rainbow shader/material that reacts to user movement
  • Created walls and floor
  • Applied material to object and walls

Files to Be Reviewed

  • We demoed our progress during Thursday’s lab


We don’t have any major blockers for now.