Weekly Summary

This week we continued to fine tune the underlying physics on the objects, specifically perfecting the interactions for the pushing in gesture. We have decided that we want the interactions to be near interactions, but we have been working it being such that interacting with the object should vary depending on the force at which you poke it. However, right now, the object has a bit of a recoiling when a user pulls their finger away from the object, which we want to prevent, so we might return to where one interaction has the same force and effect on the object regardless of the pressure on the object. Next, we implemented functionality for each of the buttons on the menu, including the help menu with instructions on how to interact with the object and the screenshot feature. The screenshot is implemented such that the menu is not in the image which is a nice addition, but we are still implementing the actual storage of the screenshot. Additionally, a user can minimize and maximize the menu so that it is out of the way when they are screenshotting. We also created a snippet of music to use as a background for the app. Lastly, we started to perform user testing of our near final project to get feedback on the final tweaks that need to be completed going into our last week or so of class.

Team Member Contributions

Zoe: Fine tuned the phyiscs features on the ceramic objects, as well as created the soundtrack for the background of our app. Additionally, she added the delay to the screenshot feature such that the help menu moves out of the way for the picture.

Joanie: Wrote snippet 8 and the help menu instructions button, as well as worked with Emi to be able to minimize and maximize the buttons when being used and beagn to debug the screenshot feature so that it saves to the Oculus file path.

Emi: Created the welcome screen that pops up when opening the app, as well as implemented the first draft of the screenshotting feature. She also worked with Joanie to be able to minimize and maximize the buttons when being used

Madrona: Performed our first round of user testing since the midterm presentation week and received feedback regarding the user experience and what objects should be included in the final scene.

New Features

  • Background music
  • The physics have been fine tuned and work effectively now
  • Our tentative background has been created, but still needs tweaking
  • A help menu with instructions on how to use the app
  • A welcome screen that opens upon first entering the app

Files for Review

Blocking Issues

  • Not necessarily a blocking issue, but our biggest problem right now is deciding what we want our scene to look like in terms of what objects will be in the scene and what the background will be
  • We are also struggling implementing the screenshot feature, but we have some theories about the writeability of the files we are trying to save the screenshots to
