Last week we submitted the first version of our PRD, describing our goals for what we want to accomplish with the XRcise app this quarter. We received feedback from the course staff about that plan, and this week we primarily worked on revising that document. Our current working version can be found on the “About” page.
Our updated plan focuses more on the exercise component of the app, rather than placing the emphasis on the gameplay. We plan to begin by developing one exercise that we can track well, building a game around that exercise, and then adding more exercises as time allows.
This week we also created the Unity project for our app in preparation for the development that will begin next week.
What each team member worked on
- Determine new development plan with feedback from course staff
- Updated PRD to reflect the new plan
- Researched technical challenges of motion tracking
- Gathered resources (tutorials and articles) to help with motion tracking
- Created base Unity project for the app
- Wrote weekly snippet
New features/functionality implemented
- Unity project created
Files to be reviewed
- None
Blocking issues or help needed
- None