This week, we finished fully integrating all of the exercises together for XRcise. We presented our game to the class during the dry-run final presentations and received some feedback that we integrated this week.
We also made the game flow more smoothly with a storyline. The user will first be prompted to open the treasure chest, only to find out that they’re too weak and must find food. They must then climb up a tree to get a coconut by doing knee drives. Once at the top of the tree, the user will shimmy back down with the coconut by doing squats. Once back on the ground, the user will then repeatedly punch the coconut to break it open and eat it to gain energy. Finally, the user will have enough energy to open the chest. They can click the SOS button in the chest to call a rescue helicopter; however, they must do jumping jacks to get the attention of the helicopter. If they do enough jumping jacks, they are rescued! Otherwise, the rescue helicopter flies away and they are trapped on the island forever (and must restart the game).
In addition, we added tutorials where the user is shown how to do the exercises and must complete at least 1 exercise correctly for each type of exercise. We also replaced the watermelon with a coconut that cracks open as the user throws more punches. Furthermore, we changed the exercise flow so that if a user doesn’t do enough of each exercise, they must try that exercise challenge again.
What each team member worked on
- Integrated punching gamification with coconut asset, which allowed users to crack it open by punching it.
- Worked on final presentation.
- Added buttons to retry each exercise.
- Updated game flow by requiring user to try an exercise challenge again if they didn’t do enough of the exercise.
- Debugged squatting motion.
- Recorded and edited demo video.
- Worked on final presentation.
- Updated game flow by adding buttons to take the user through the storyline.
- Created options for game difficulty levels, including easy, medium, and hard.
- Changed gamification of knee drive & squatting motions to bring user up/down the tree more smoothly.
- Debugged squatting motion.
- Worked on final presentation.
- Finalized user statistics tracking by creating a display that shows the number of each exercise done and calories burned.
- Debugged and fixed squatting motion.
- Helped record demo video.
- Incorporated punching into the build with all exercises.
- Worked on final presentation.
- Created a tutorial with a mannequin that shows users how to do each exercise. Requires user to successfully complete at least 1 of each type of exercise before playing the game.
- Added music and SFX.
New features/functionality implemented
- Combined punching with all other exercises.
- Finalized all motions and gamification with exercises.
- Added buttons to guide the user through the storyline.
- Updated exercise flow by requiring the user to successfully complete each exercise challenge before moving onto the next one, prompting them to retry if they fail.
- Added tutorials and user statistics.
- Added music and SFX.
Files to be reviewed
- None
Blocking issues or help needed
- None