This week, we worked on the finishing touches for our game and presented a dry run of our final demo! We’re really excited to have people test out our project and see what they think!

View our dry run presentation and a full runthrough of the game experience here.

Here is what each team member worked on this week:

  • Arthur: Added explosions to obstacles, displayed coins collected in HUD
  • James: Created wizard penguin for tutorial, multiplayer tutorial and menu
  • Manan: Created side tiles for terrain, added details to land tiles, fixed menu text
  • Taylor: Added obstacles to the desert terrain, displayed coins after each run

    New features and functionality

Desert Terrain! Garden Terrain! Wizard Pang!

Files for review

No files in review as of writing of this, everything is merged into master

Blocking issues


Goals for next week

Bug squashing and prep for our demo!