This week, we are almost completed with our MVP! We have the basic assets for the hangglider and terrain. Users can launch themselves by flapping their flippers. Once in the air, players can control their movement by grabbing the glider and tilting left and right, and once users get too low, they land and can restart the game!

Here is what each team member worked on this week:

  • Arthur: Updated glider physics to use forces instead of velocity and modify drag depending on glider pitch. Enabled user controls to tilt down, and added wind collisions that slow down or speed up the glider.
  • James: Developed working penguin flippers that connect from hands to shoulders.
  • Manan: Integrated hi-score distance and created an initial low poly arctic terrain.
  • Taylor: Updated landing to work with non-level ground by using raycasts and developed game manager system that allows user to play an entire run: flapping launch, flight, game end score, restart fade-out mechanic.

New features and functionality

Wind updrafts and Pitch Maneuver New Arctic Terrain and Landing Upgraded Penguin Flippers

Files for review

No files in review as of writing of this, everything is merged into master

Blocking issues


Shelved Issues

Shader on the underside of the glider (currently using double sided shader but shadow isn’t properly rendered)

Goals for next week

  • Arthur: Working on MVP presentation, wind animations
  • James: Fix penguin flipper edge case bug, and then start on MVP presentation
  • Manan: Continuous generation of initial terrain
  • Taylor: Fix landing sequence edge case, and clean-up overall game flow manager

Other issues to address

  • Scene flickering
  • Update camera render distance to fade out