Everyone's Progress
- Transfer their important files to the main glitch project
- Prepare for Tuesday's MVP Presentation
CJ Lin:
- Improved shooting physics
- Helped debug shooting mechanics
Peter Michael:
- Got webserver to host website and run properly
- Streamed 2D pose estimation to website
Yan Zhe Ong:
- Worked wit Jasmine to debug shooting mechanics
Jasmine Woon:
- Worked with Yan to debug shooting mechanics
- Made the MVP video
Updates on Code
Everyone's code is now located in our gitlab! Intergration with everyone's part went more smoothly than expected. Everyone hopped on a call and using a shared glitch project, we carefully copied and pasted what was necessary for our MVP.
Our web server is hosted on the GPU. The Link can be found here! You may be warned that this site is risky but we promise this is not a malicious website! Click on advance settings and proceed on with the website
Alternatively, you can find our MVP here on glitch. The only difference between the two website is gltich will not incorperate the 2D pose estimation.
Updates on Ideas
With the MVP due this past week, everyone has been busily working on bugs and integration. As a result, we did not have much time to work on target features.
We also worked on presentation for our MVP. Check out our slides! In addition, check out our MVP video down below!
BallARs MVP Video
Plan for Next Week
Here are a couple of milestones that everyone plans on doing
- Incorperate feedback from the class and fix any bugs
CJ Lin:
Goals for Friday 5/7
- Work on menu overlays
Peter Michael:
Goals for Friday 5/7
- Work with Jasmine on getting the ability to place the hoop
Yan Zhe Ong:
Goals for Friday 5/7
- Rig 3D models from our TA, Luyang, NBA2K dataset
Jasmine Woon:
Goals for Friday 5/7
- Work with Peter on getting the ability to place the hoop
Blocking Issues
No blocking issue for now...