Week 4

Posted by AR/VR Capstone Team 7 on February 4, 2022

Weekly Updates

  • This week, we worked on designing the core features revolving around the running mechanisms of our game. We will most likely modify some of the work we did as we move along in this project, but we are currently on track to meet our milestones.
  • Shane: Worked on game starting procedure and ending procedures, designing the bot so that they would run to the goal and sometimes move when the red light is on.
  • Sharon: Worked some more on multiplayer and player interaction. Still working on player interaction for "pushing" other players (causing them to pause and fall for a short duration). Ran into some issues trying to sync things over the network earlier this week. We were initially aiming so that a player selects a specific player in order to push, but are also considering just pushing whoever is within a certain radius. I was a bit busy this week but I will have a lot of time over the weekend to try to get this to work before Tuesday for MVP.
  • Shelly: Worked on map building and character model/animation. Made a new network player model prefab using a new model and added walking and idle animations to it. I also added voice chat to the prefab and went into Blender and cut off the hands of the model to use for the controller models. I got a asset pack for our map and am working on map building as well.
  • Thompson: Worked on player movement - had the script make it so that the player would move forward whenever they swing their arms.

New Features/Functionality

  • Bots - Added basic bots that mimic the players' logic.
  • Multiplayer - Added options to create and join rooms (using random four letter codes) to main menu.
  • Character models/animation - new player model. Animations have been set up (but still need to called in script/haven't been fully implemented yet). Also added new controller models.
  • Player Movement - Players can move forward when they swing their arms. The speed of their movement is dependent on the speed they swing their arms. Additionally, they will run in the direction that the left controller is facing, allowing them to look around as they move.

Code Review

  • RunningMovement.cs - This script implements all of the player movement features mentioned in the previous section.
  • RunningMovement.apk - This file can be used to test out the script above.

Blocking Issues

  • Nothing currently blocking.