Week 3

Posted by AR/VR Capstone Team 7 on January 28, 2022

Weekly Updates

  • This week, we worked on figuring out some of the key technical features used in our game. We will probably have a bit more changes to make as we make some tweaks and adjustments, but we are currently still on track to meet our milestones.
  • Shane: Worked on the game manager (timing, basic game logic) and helped with the motion detection.
  • Sharon: Worked on setting up multiplayer. The tutorial on Thursday (and updated demo scene) was very similar to what we did.
  • Shelly: Worked on player models - used a free model from the asset store to make a prefab for the player's network model.
  • Thompson: Worked on motion detection - had the script recognize movement by checking if the distance between the initial and current position/rotation coordinates of the headset and controllers are greater than a certain threshold.

New Features/Functionality

  • Motion detection - detect whether or not player is moving using controllers and headset.
  • Multiplayer - players can connect to a room with other players. Currently there is a connect button that the player can press to join a random room (will create a new room if it's full or there isn't one yet). We are thinking of adding an option to create and join specific rooms as well.
  • Player models - player models show up in multiplayer and hand movements and head rotation are tracked and shown to other users. Players can see the models of others (but not their own model) and see their own hands as cubes (will probably replace for a hand model). Currently there are no leg animations yet. These changes have not yet been pushed to the master branch (as we are considering changing the model we use) and are in the basic-player-model branch.

Code Review

  • MotionDetection.cs - This script is what detects whether the headset or the controllers are moving. Is there anything we can do or change to make our code more proficient and neat?
  • ThompsonScene.unity - This scene should have the thresholds we set for the controllers and the headset. Please let us know if they should be readjusted.
  • MotionDetection.apk - This file can be used to test out the script and the thresholds that were set.
  • mini-rlgl.apk - A demo that implements the most basic game logic of red light, green light (without multiplayer).

Blocking Issues

  • Nothing currently blocking.