Week 1

Posted by AR/VR Capstone Team 7 on January 13, 2022

Weekly Updates

  • This week, we all worked on brainstorming project ideas.
  • The idea we initially decided on was a "Red Light, Green Light" VR game (inspired from the one in Squid Game) where players jog in place (swinging their controllers) to move. We wanted to make this multiplayer where players can potentially push each other.
  • However, after getting feedback on Thursday, we learned that the scope of our game was too small for the length of the class. We were suggested to add additional games to make it more like a “Fall Guys” VR game with a focus on fitness. However rather than elimination style, we were thinking that it could be score based instead (so everyone can keep playing). We brainstormed some more and thought of ideas for additional games, including a jumping game (e.g. everyone jumps together with one big jump rope), a climbing game (e.g. rock climbing race to the finish), and a rowing game (e.g. team-based race where each player has one paddle).
  • We then decided that we wanted to incorporate all of our separate ideas into a single obstacle course framed around our original one (i.e. "Red Light, Green Light"). We realized that each of the games could just be obstacles that players have to deal with as they try to make it to the finish line while being cautious of the red light being called. These obstacles consist of a jump rope players have to jump over, a wall they have to climb, and a river they have to row across in order to advance towards the finish line. We ran our idea through the professors and were told that our Minimum Viable Product should have one of those obstacles along with the core game. Our stretch goal will incorporate one or two fitness aspects along with the rest of the obstacles and anything else (which can be either new obstacles or new features entirely) we can think of.

New Features/Functionality

  • We set up this GitHub pages website :)

Code Review

  • No files are in need of review.

Blocking Issues

  • Nothing currently blocking.