Blog Post for Week 3 (4/13-4/19)

Posted by VR Capstone Team 1 on 4/19/19

For Tuesday’s pitch, all of us divided the work on creating our slide deck. Esteban worked on the problem, Matthew worked on the story, Simon worked on the Solution and Tanuj worked on the features. We got together on Monday to practice pitching our idea.

After our Tuesday's presentation, we first finished our PRD which was divided as follows -

  • Matthew - Summary, Project Discription and Performance Metrics
  • Simon - User Experience and Deliverables
  • Esteban - Milestones
  • Tanuj - Budget and Risks
After finishing the PRD, we started working towards our project. Simon and Matthew started with setting up our devices and creating the web interface which we will use to input the equations to magic leap. Esteban and Tanuj started working on how to convert these equations to shapes and render it on Magic leap workspace.